“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”
– Edmund Burke
Upcoming Events

Oldest Chicago
Please join the Northwest Chicago Historical Society and hear author and Jefferson Park native, David Witter present Oldest Chicago. Mr. Witter will highlight dozens of the oldest local treasures in Chicago and its suburban and exurban areas. Remarkable for having survived demolition and extinction for decades, these beloved landmarks have also helped define our city's landscape, offering continuity and civic identity across generations. Oldest business: Peacock Jewelers (1838); oldest apothecary: Merz Apothecary (1875); oldest tavern: Schaller's Pump (1889); oldest theater: the Biograph Theater (1914), oldest private school: Saint Patrick High School (1861), and oldest drive-in restaurant: Superdawg (1948).

Our Meetup Site
Please join the Northwest Chicago Historical Society Meetup Group for updates on meetings, historical tours and other events. It’s free to join.